You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.7. DEBTORS Menu: Debtors Ledger > 1.7.2. Debtors - Debtors Transaction Processing > Debtors Transaction Processing - Debtor Payments > Entering the Debtor Payments Details > Debtors Payments - BPay Import (v2.8)
Debtors Payments - BPay Import (v2.8)

You use the BPay Import button on the Debtors Payments screen to import a BPAY file received from the NAB into a debtor payments batch. The BPAY file contains all BPAY payments made by customers for invoices issued from Micronet.

You can import BPAY payments into any debtor payments batch; the batch does not need to be setup uniquely for BPAY payments.


Technical Tip

If you want Micronet to generate BPAY references for invoices, the BPay Reference Calculation Method field on the Invoicing Configuration screen must be set to a BPAY option (refer to "Edit - Program - Invoicing"). The BPAY reference field should also be added to your invoice format(s) using the Report Generator (refer to "Edit - Add Field"). When you print and/or post an invoice, Micronet will automatically generate the BPAY reference number and print it on the customer's invoice. The customer can then use this reference number when paying the invoice.

To import a BPay file:

  1. Display the Debtors Payments screen.

Refer to "Entering the Debtor Payments Details".

  1. Select the BPay Import button.

Micronet displays the Enter File to Import BPayments screen.

  1. Enter the path and filename of the file to be imported, or select the browse button to find the file:

  1. Optionally, you can select the preview button to view the file contents:

  1. When the Enter File field displays the correct file, select the Ok button.

Micronet imports the BPay payments from the file. If all the payments are correct, they are posted automatically to the debtor accounts as soon as you select the Ok button.

If there are any errors in the import file, Micronet displays a screen showing the errors. It also saves these errors in the MicronetBpayError.log file which is saved in the same directory as your micronet.log file. You will need to investigate and fix these errors manually.

  1. Select Ok to clear this screen and redisplay the Debtors Payments screen.